One week from today, my new book — NEVER NORMAL — will start shipping. Subtitled “Uncommon Ideas for Leaders Who Refuse to Settle for the Status Quo”, NEVER NORMAL collects 15 of my most popular blog posts, articles, and commissioned opinion pieces from the past eight years — and presents the brand new title essay for the first time.

To give you an idea of everything inside, here’s how the back cover copy reads:
The “new normal” you’re waiting for is never going to happen. Planning for tomorrow guarantees you’ll fall further behind. Lack of resources is a lame excuse. The experts have the most to learn. The answer to disruption is not technology, but humanity.
Futurist and digital transformation expert Greg Verdino has made a career out of helping business leaders make sense of exponential change — challenging conventional wisdom, skewering the status quo, and doling out tough love on his blog, in print and from conference stages around the world. Now, NEVER NORMAL distills eight years of Greg’s most provocative ideas about technology, transformation, strategy and innovation into one slim volume you can skim while you’re waiting for your next Zoom call to begin.
If you’re so inclined, you can do your part to support the book by placing your pre-order this week. NEVER NORMAL will be available for Kindle (other ebook formats coming later this year) and in paperback at Amazon and anywhere you buy your books online.
Thanks for your support.