Now, logic would say that these stalwarts of Old World industry run the greatest risk of being left behind as the world goes digital. But the data shows that leaders in these sectors recognize that digital is a here-and-now strategic imperative, understand the upside (literally trillions of dollars are at stake), and are already investing in a host of leading edge technologies to improve current operations (digitalization) and prepare for the future (digital transformation.) Of course, as they do, they face many of the same challenges leaders face in any other industry grappling with exponential change — the risk of falling behind competitors or being eclipsed by disruptors, workforce skill gaps, legacy technology systems, fear of failure and so on.
So, as I ask in my blog post for AVEVA introducing the first of our series of reports, “Are the Process Plant Industries Ready for Digitalization?” The answer, based on this research, is yes. The next question, of course, is “Are YOU?”
Look: If you’re my typical reader, I know the odds are low that you work in one of these plant industries. So why should you download this report? Well, I can think of a few good reasons: (1) you’re generally interested in digital transformation as a topic, (2) you’re a leader in a legacy business who can gain insight from what other traditional industries are doing to get ahead, (3) you’re a consultant who serves clients in the process plant industries, (4) you’re a consumer of the products these industries produce (hint: 100% of you are…)
Onward: Get a taste of what’s in the report by reading my post on the AVEVA blog. And download the full report (requires registration) using the link in the post or from AVEVA’s digitalization resource hub. On that page, you’ll also find the second report in the series — a drill down into the findings for the power industry — and be able to keep an eye out for additional industry-specific reports to follow in the coming months.
Shameless Self-Promotion: Would your business benefit from reports like these? Yes, it would…
If you’re thinking of hiring me to deliver a digital transformation keynote at your next event, let’s talk about how partnering on unique, compelling content for your customers, prospects and/or employees can prime the pump before your event or keep the momentum going after my speech. If you have a transformation story to tell — either to your customers to build credibility for your company and interest in the digital services you offer, or to your employees and partners because you have embarked on your own digital transformation journey and communication is key — expertly-written and produced content, authored by a recognized authority on digital transformation (that’s me) gives you a valuable asset to leverage in your marketing, sales, PR and corporate communications programs. Let’s talk.
PS: The best way to see the kind of thing I’m talking about here is to download the AVEVA report, but if you’re serious about working with me and my content agency, reach out and I’ll gladly send you some examples to review.